1 amplitude scrambling
Безопасность: амплитудное скремблирование (напр. маскирование сигналов псевдослучайным шумом) -
2 amplitude scrambling
амплитудное скремблирование (напр. маскирование сигналов псевдослучайным шумом)Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > amplitude scrambling
3 scrambling
скремблирование, преобразование речевых сигналов или данных по заданному закону; преобразование структуры (сигнала)Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > scrambling
4 function
1) функция2) функционировать; находиться в работоспособном состоянии3) выполнять функцию; играть роль4) (дополнительное) функциональное устройство, проф. функция ( в стандарте USB)5) вчт. отображение || отображать•- actuating transfer function
- additive function
- additive/multiplicative function
- admittance function
- advanced communication function
- affine Boolean function
- aggregate function
- algebraic function
- all-pass transfer function
- all-pole function
- all-zero function
- alternating function
- ambiguity function
- amplitude distribution function
- amplitude function
- AM-tive function additive/multiplicative function
- anode work function
- aperture phase function
- apodizing function
- application program function
- autocorrelation function
- automatic azimuth alignment function
- band-limited function
- base station control function
- basis function
- Bellman function
- bent function
- Bessel function of imaginary argument
- Bessel function
- beta function
- bijection function
- bijective function
- binary activation function
- binary sigmoid function
- binate function
- bipolar sigmoid function
- bi-state function
- bivariate distribution function
- Boolean function
- Bose-Einstein distribution function
- bounded function
- boxcar function
- Brillouin function
- built-in function
- Butterworth function
- carpet function
- carrier function
- cathode work function
- characteristic function
- circular function
- closed function
- closed-loop transfer function
- clutching function
- coherence function
- color matching functions
- comb function
- combination function
- combining function
- competitive function
- complementary error function
- complementary function
- composite function
- computable function
- concentrated likelihood function
- continuous function
- contrast transfer function
- control function
- convolution function
- correlation function
- cost function
- covariance generating function
- criterion function
- cross-correlation function - current potential function
- current transfer function
- curried function
- data communications function
- data-path function
- decision function
- degate function
- degating function
- delta function
- demand function
- density function
- descrambling function
- describing function
- difference transfer function
- differentiable function
- digamma function
- Dirac delta function
- Dirac function
- disconnect-reconnect function
- discriminant function
- distribution function
- driving-point function
- eikonal function
- electron wave function
- embedding function
- encryption function
- ergodic function
- error function
- excitation function
- explicit function
- exponential function
- extensional function
- external function
- failure density function
- feedback transfer function
- Fermi function
- Fermi-Dirac distribution function
- force function
- forward transfer function
- frequency function
- frequency-generating function
- frequency-response function
- friend function
- FS function
- full-speed function
- fuzzy function
- fuzzy objective function
- fuzzy utility function
- gage function
- Gaussian function
- Gaussian radial basis function
- generalized function
- generic function
- global implicit function
- global inverse function
- Green functions
- Green's function
- Hamilton function
- Hankel function
- hard limit activation function - hazard function
- head-related transfer function
- Heaviside step function
- Huber function
- hyperbolic function
- hyperbolic tangent activation function
- idempotent function
- image function
- impedance function
- implicit function
- injection function
- injective function
- inline function
- intensional function
- interference function
- interworking function
- inverse distribution function
- inverse function
- invertible mapping function
- inverting function
- kernel function
- Lagrange's function
- Langevin function
- latent function
- Legendre associated function of the first kind
- Legendre associated function of the second kind
- Legendre function of the first kind
- Legendre function of the second kind
- lexical function
- likelihood function
- line search function
- linear function
- linear logic function
- logic function
- logistic function
- logistic sigmoid function
- log-likelihood function
- log-linear function
- log-log function
- look-up function
- loss function
- low-speed function
- LS function
- luminosity function
- macro function
- main function
- maintenance entity function
- majorized function
- majorizing function
- mapping function
- Markov function
- mathematical function
- member function
- membership function
- memo function
- memoised function
- memoized function
- minorized function
- minorizing function
- modified Bessel function
- modular hash-function
- modulating function
- modulation transfer function
- moment-generating function
- monotonic function
- Morse function
- multi-input multi-output transfer function
- multi-valued function
- multivariate distribution function
- mutual coherence function
- natural trigonometric function
- never-decreasing function
- never-increasing function
- non-decreasing function
- non-increasing function
- nonlinear function
- normalized Gaussian radial basis function
- normalized radial basis functions with equal heights
- normalized radial basis functions with equal volumes
- normalized radial basis functions with equal widths and heights
- normalized radial basis functions with equal widths
- normalized radial basis functions with unequal widths and heights
- objective function
- one-one function
- one-to-one function
- one-way function
- one-way hash function
- open-loop transfer function
- optical transfer function
- ordinary Gaussian radial basis function
- ordinary radial basis functions with equal widths
- ordinary radial basis functions with unequal widths
- orthogonal functions
- overlapped functions
- partial autocorrelation function
- penalty function
- perfect hash-function
- phase transfer function
- photoelectric work function
- photopic response function
- piecewise constant function
- piecewise linear function
- piecewise polynomial function
- Pierce function
- point-spread function
- polynomial function
- positive linear function
- postsynaptic potential function
- power function of test
- power function
- predefined function
- predicate function
- probability density function
- probability function
- probability mass function
- production function
- projection function
- projective function
- propagation function
- propositional function
- PSP function
- pulsating function
- pure virtual function
- quadratic error function
- radial basis function
- radial combination function
- ramp function
- range weighting function
- reactance function
- register function
- regression function
- resolvent function
- response function
- restricted function
- risk function
- saturating linear function
- scalar function
- scaling function
- scattering function
- scedastic function
- Schrödinger wave function
- scrambling function
- screen size-viewing distance function
- self-inverse function
- semilinear function
- sensing function
- sentential function
- shape function
- sigmoid activation function
- sigmoid function
- sign function
- signal function
- signum activation function
- signum function
- smooth function
- socket library function
- softmax activation function
- spectral density function
- spectral function
- spectral radiance function
- spline function
- spot function
- spread function
- square-integrable function
- square-law transfer function
- squashed sign function
- squashing function
- state function
- state query function
- steering function
- step function
- stream function
- summing function
- support entity function
- support function
- supported function
- surjection function
- surjective function
- survival function
- switch function
- switching function
- switch-type function
- symmetric saturating linear function
- tame function
- tan-sigmoid activation function
- target function
- tensor function
- tesseral function
- testing function
- tetragamma function
- thermionic work function
- threshold function
- through transfer function
- transcendental function
- transfer function
- trial function
- trigamma function
- trigonometric function
- tri-state function
- typematic function
- unate function
- uncurried function
- unit impulse function
- unit step function
- unsupported function
- user-defined function
- utility function
- vector function
- virtual function
- visibility function
- voltage potential function
- voltage transfer function
- Walsh functions
- wave function
- wave-number limited function
- weighting function
- window function
- work functionThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > function
5 signal
1) сигнал || передавать сигналы; сигнализировать; давать сигнал || сигнальный2) знак || подавать знак(и)3) pl микр. межсоединения•- A signal- acknowledgement signal
- active line duration signal
- actuating signal
- alarm signal
- alarm indication signals
- alias signal
- all-sky signal
- alternation mark inversion signal
- altitude signal
- AMI signal
- amplitude-modulated signal
- analog signal
- analog/mixed signal
- anisochronous digital signal
- antipodal signal
- ATF signal
- audio signal
- aural signal
- autoalarm signal
- automatic track finding signal
- B-signal
- band-limited signal
- bandpass signal
- baseband signal
- beam signal
- bidirectional signal
- binary signal
- bioelectric signal
- bipolar signal
- black signal
- black peak signal
- blanked picture signal
- blanking signal
- blocking signal
- blue signal
- broadband signal
- burst signal
- busy signal
- busy back signal
- busy-flash signal
- B-Y signal
- call signal
- call progress signal
- call-confirmation signal
- call-control signal
- called-number signals
- camera signal
- carrier chrominance signal
- carrier color signal
- carrier detect signal
- carry signal
- carry clear signal
- carry complete signal
- carry initiating signal
- case-shift signal
- CD signal
- challenging signal
- channel identification signal
- chirp signal
- chroma signal
- chrominance signal
- circuit available signal
- clear signal
- clear back signal
- clear forward signal
- clearing signal
- clipped signal
- clock signal
- coded signal
- coherent signal
- color signal
- color-bar signal
- color-burst signal
- color-difference signal
- color identification signal
- color-picture signal
- color-sync signal
- color-television signal
- color video signal
- command destruct signal
- common-mode signal
- comparison signal
- compelled signal
- compensation signal
- complex analytical signal
- component signal
- component color signal
- component video signal
- composite signal
- composite color signal
- composite-one-line signal
- composite picture signal
- composite video signal
- compressed signal
- confusion signal
- contaminating signal
- control signal
- convergence signal
- convolved signals
- course-fine encoded video signal
- dark-spot signal
- data signal
- DC signal
- decoded signal
- dehopped signal
- desired signal
- despread signal
- detectable signal
- deterministic signal
- difference signal
- differential-mode signal
- digital signal
- digital signal of level 0
- digital signal of level 1
- digital signal of level 1C
- digital signal of level 2
- digital signal of level 3
- digital signal of level 4
- direct-sequence signal
- direct-sequence spread-spectrum signal
- discernible signal
- disconnect signal
- disk changed signal
- distinguishable signal
- distress signal
- Doppler-invariant signal
- Doppler-shifted signal
- double-sideband signal
- downstream signal
- driving signal
- duobinary signal
- echo signal
- electric signal
- element difference signal
- emergency signal
- enabling signal
- enciphered signal
- end-of-block signal
- end-of-copy signal
- end-of-data signal
- end-of-impulsing signal
- end-of-message signal
- end-of-pulsing signal
- end-of-selection signal
- engaged signal
- erasure signal
- error signal
- excitatory signal
- facsimile signal
- facsimile framing signal
- facsimile phasing signal
- false signal
- fault signal
- feedback control signal
- field sawtooth signal
- figures-shift signal
- fluctuating signal
- flyback signal
- forward recall signal
- frame-alignment signal
- frame difference signal
- frame sync signal
- framing signal
- free-line signal
- frequency-hopped signal
- frequency-modulated signal
- frequency-shift signal
- full bandwidth signal
- FS signal
- G-signal
- gating signal
- Gaussian signal
- ghost signal
- global signal
- green signal
- guidance signal
- G-Y signal
- hang-up signal
- heterochronous digital signals
- high-frequency signal
- high-level signal
- homing signal
- homochronous digital signals
- horizontal sync signal
- I-signal
- IBG signal
- identification signal
- idle indication signal
- IF signal
- IFF target signal
- impulse signal
- incoming signal
- inhibiting signal
- inhibitory signal
- injected signal
- in-phase signal
- input signal
- insertion test signal
- intelligence signal
- inter-block gap signal
- interfering signal
- interfield test signal
- intermediate frequency signal
- international code signal
- interrogation signal
- interrupt signal
- inversion signal
- isochronous digital signal
- jamming signal
- L-signal
- large signal
- laser signal
- LB signal
- left signal
- left-backward signal
- left-forward signal
- LF signal
- limited signal
- linear FM signal
- line identification signal
- line sawtooth signal
- line sync signal
- locking signal
- logic signal
- loop actuating signal
- loop difference signal
- loop error signal
- loop feedback signal
- loop input signal
- loop return signal
- loop output signal
- low-frequency signal
- low-level signal
- low-level radio-frequency signal
- luminance signal
- M-signal
- mark signal
- marking signal
- masking signal
- mesochronous digital signals
- message signal
- message-bearing signal
- microwave signal
- MIDI signal
- minimum detectable signal
- minimum discernible signal
- mixed signal
- modulating signal
- monochrome signal
- monophonic signal
- multimode signal
- multiplexed signal
- myoelectric signal
- N-signal
- narrow-band signal
- naught signal
- negative-going signal
- neuroelectric signal
- noise signal
- noise-free signal
- noise-like signal
- noisy signal
- nominal detectable signal
- noncompelled signal
- noncomposite signal
- number received signal
- offering signal
- off-hook signal
- omnibearing signal
- on-course signal
- on-hook signal
- optical signal
- outcoming signal
- output signal
- P-signal
- packetized signal
- partial-response signal
- PCM signal
- permanent signal
- phantom signal
- phase-modulated signal
- phase-shift signal
- phase-shift keyed signal
- phasing signal
- photoelectric signal
- pickup signal
- picture signal
- picture-phone signal
- picture-shading signal
- pilot signal
- playback signal
- plesiochronous digital signals
- polar signal
- positive-going signal
- print contrast signal
- probing signal
- program signal
- protected signal
- pseudonoise signal
- pseudorandom signal
- pseudo-ternary signal
- pulsar signal
- pulse-code modulation signal
- pulsed signal
- Q-signal
- quadrature-phase subcarrier signal
- quantized signal
- R-signal
- radio signal
- radio-frequency signal
- radio star signal
- radiotelephone distress signal
- random signal
- RB signal
- read signal
- reading signal
- ready-to-receive signal
- rectified signal
- red signal
- redundant signal
- reference signal
- reorder signal
- request signal
- rering signal
- restoring signal
- retransmitted signal
- returned signal
- RF signal
- RGB signals
- right signal
- right-backward signal
- right-forward signal
- ringing signal
- robust signal
- round-the-world signal
- R-Y signal
- S-signal
- sampled signal
- saturated signal
- saturating signal
- saw-tooth signal
- scrambling signal
- sense signal
- shading compensation signal
- singing signal
- single-mode signal
- single-sideband signal
- small signal
- sound signal
- sounding signal
- space signal
- spacing signal
- speech signal
- spread-spectrum signal
- spurious signal
- square signal
- square-wave signal
- SSB signal
- staircase video signal
- standard composite picture signal
- standard-frequency signal
- standard television signal
- start signal
- start-record signal
- start-stop signal
- status signal
- steady-state signal
- stereo signal
- stereophonic signal
- stereophonic multiplex signal
- stop signal
- stop-record signal
- stuffed signal
- subscriber identification signal
- sum signal
- supersync signal
- supervisory signal
- swept signal
- sync signal
- synchronizing signal
- synchronous transport signal
- synthetic speech signal
- target signal
- television signal
- television relay signal
- television standard signal
- test signal
- test line signal
- test-pattern signal
- threshold signal
- time signal
- time-limited signal
- timing signal
- tracking signal
- trigger signal
- triggering signal
- tristimulus signals
- unstuffed signal
- unvoiced signal
- upstream signal
- vertical insertion test signal
- vertical interval signal
- vertical sync signal
- vestigial sideband signal
- video signal
- visual signal
- voice signal
- voiced signal
- weighted signal
- white signal
- write signal
- Y-signal -
6 sign
1) сигнал || передавать сигналы; сигнализировать; давать сигнал || сигнальный2) знак || подавать знак(и)3) pl.; микр. межсоединения•- A sign- acknowledgement sign
- active line duration sign
- actuating sign
- alarm indication signs
- alarm sign
- alias sign
- all-sky sign
- alternation mark inversion sign
- altitude sign
- AMI sign
- amplitude-modulated sign
- analog sign
- analog/mixed sign
- anisochronous digital sign
- antipodal sign
- ATF sign
- audio sign
- aural sign
- autoalarm sign
- automatic track finding sign
- band-limited sign
- bandpass sign
- baseband sign
- beam sign
- bidirectional sign
- binary sign
- bioelectric sign
- bipolar sign
- black peak sign
- black sign
- blanked picture sign
- blanking sign
- blocking sign
- blue sign
- broadband sign
- B-sign
- burst sign
- busy back sign
- busy sign
- busy-flash sign
- B-Y sign
- call progress sign
- call sign
- call-confirmation sign
- call-control sign
- called-number signs
- camera sign
- carrier chrominance sign
- carrier color sign
- carrier detect sign
- carry clear sign
- carry complete sign
- carry initiating sign
- carry sign
- case-shift sign
- CD sign
- challenging sign
- channel identification sign
- chirp sign
- chroma sign
- chrominance sign
- circuit available sign
- clear back sign
- clear forward sign
- clear sign
- clearing sign
- clipped sign
- clock sign
- coded sign
- coherent sign
- color identification sign
- color sign
- color video sign
- color-bar sign
- color-burst sign
- color-difference sign
- color-picture sign
- color-sync sign
- color-television sign
- command destruct sign
- common-mode sign
- comparison sign
- compelled sign
- compensation sign
- complex analytical sign
- component color sign
- component sign
- component video sign
- composite color sign
- composite picture sign
- composite sign
- composite video sign
- composite-one-line sign
- compressed sign
- confusion sign
- contaminating sign
- control sign
- convergence sign
- convolved signs
- course-fine encoded video sign
- dark-spot sign
- data sign
- DC sign
- decoded sign
- dehopped sign
- desired sign
- despread sign
- detectable sign
- deterministic sign
- difference sign
- differential-mode sign
- digital sign of level 0
- digital sign of level 1
- digital sign of level 1C
- digital sign of level 2
- digital sign of level 3
- digital sign of level 4
- digital sign
- direct-sequence sign
- direct-sequence spread-spectrum sign
- discernible sign
- disconnect sign
- disk changed sign
- distinguishable sign
- distress sign
- Doppler-invariant sign
- Doppler-shifted sign
- double-sideband sign
- downstream sign
- driving sign
- duobinary sign
- echo sign
- electric sign
- element difference sign
- emergency sign
- enabling sign
- enciphered sign
- end-of-block sign
- end-of-copy sign
- end-of-data sign
- end-of-impulsing sign
- end-of-message sign
- end-of-pulsing sign
- end-of-selection sign
- engaged sign
- erasure sign
- error sign
- excitatory sign
- facsimile framing sign
- facsimile phasing sign
- facsimile sign
- false sign
- fault sign
- feedback control sign
- field sawtooth sign
- figures-shift sign
- fluctuating sign
- flyback sign
- forward recall sign
- frame difference sign
- frame sync sign
- frame-alignment sign
- framing sign
- free-line sign
- frequency-hopped sign
- frequency-modulated sign
- frequency-shift sign
- FS sign
- full bandwidth sign
- gating sign
- Gaussian sign
- ghost sign
- global sign
- green sign
- G-sign
- guidance sign
- G-Y sign
- hang-up sign
- heterochronous digital signs
- high-frequency sign
- high-level sign
- homing sign
- homochronous digital signs
- horizontal sync sign
- IBG sign
- identification sign
- idle indication sign
- IF sign
- IFF target sign
- impulse sign
- incoming sign
- inhibiting sign
- inhibitory sign
- injected sign
- in-phase sign
- input sign
- insertion test sign
- intelligence sign
- inter-block gap sign
- interfering sign
- interfield test sign
- intermediate frequency sign
- international code sign
- interrogation sign
- interrupt sign
- inversion sign
- I-sign
- isochronous digital sign
- jamming sign
- L sign
- large sign
- laser sign
- LB sign
- left sign
- left-backward sign
- left-forward sign
- LF sign
- limited sign
- line identification sign
- line sawtooth sign
- line sync sign
- linear FM sign
- locking sign
- logic sign
- loop actuating sign
- loop difference sign
- loop error sign
- loop feedback sign
- loop input sign
- loop output sign
- loop return sign
- low-frequency sign
- low-level radio-frequency sign
- low-level sign
- luminance sign
- mark sign
- marking sign
- masking sign
- mesochronous digital signs
- message sign
- message-bearing sign
- microwave sign
- MIDI sign
- minimum detectable sign
- minimum discernible sign
- mixed sign
- modulating sign
- monochrome sign
- monophonic sign
- M-sign
- multimode sign
- multiplexed sign
- myoelectric sign
- N sign
- narrow-band sign
- naught sign
- negative-going sign
- neuroelectric sign
- noise sign
- noise-free sign
- noise-like sign
- noisy sign
- nominal detectable sign
- noncompelled sign
- noncomposite sign
- number received sign
- offering sign
- off-hook sign
- omnibearing sign
- on-course sign
- on-hook sign
- optical sign
- outcoming sign
- output sign
- P sign
- packetized sign
- partial-response sign
- PCM sign
- permanent sign
- phantom sign
- phase-modulated sign
- phase-shift keyed sign
- phase-shift sign
- phasing sign
- photoelectric sign
- pickup sign
- picture sign
- picture-phone sign
- picture-shading sign
- pilot sign
- playback sign
- plesiochronous digital signs
- polar sign
- positive-going sign
- print contrast sign
- probing sign
- program sign
- protected sign
- pseudonoise sign
- pseudorandom sign
- pseudo-ternary sign
- pulsar sign
- pulse-code modulation sign
- pulsed sign
- Q-sign
- quadrature-phase subcarrier sign
- quantized sign
- R sign
- radio sign
- radio star sign
- radio-frequency sign
- radiotelephone distress sign
- random sign
- RB sign
- read sign
- reading sign
- ready-to-receive sign
- rectified sign
- red sign
- redundant sign
- reference sign
- reorder sign
- request sign
- rering sign
- restoring sign
- retransmitted sign
- returned sign
- RF sign
- RGB signs
- right sign
- right-backward sign
- right-forward sign
- ringing sign
- robust sign
- round-the-world sign
- R-Y sign
- sampled sign
- saturated sign
- saturating sign
- saw-tooth sign
- scrambling sign
- sense sign
- shading compensation sign
- singing sign
- single-mode sign
- single-sideband sign
- small sign
- sound sign
- sounding sign
- space sign
- spacing sign
- speech sign
- spread-spectrum sign
- spurious sign
- square sign
- square-wave sign
- SSB sign
- S-sign
- staircase video sign
- standard composite picture sign
- standard television sign
- standard-frequency sign
- start sign
- start-record sign
- start-stop sign
- status sign
- steady-state sign
- stereo sign
- stereophonic multiplex sign
- stereophonic sign
- stop sign
- stop-record sign
- stuffed sign
- subscriber identification sign
- sum sign
- supersync sign
- supervisory sign
- swept sign
- sync sign
- synchronizing sign
- synchronous transport sign
- synthetic speech sign
- target sign
- television relay sign
- television sign
- television standard sign
- test line sign
- test sign
- test-pattern sign
- threshold sign
- time sign
- time-limited sign
- timing sign
- tracking sign
- trigger sign
- triggering sign
- tristimulus signs
- unstuffed sign
- unvoiced sign
- upstream sign
- vertical insertion test sign
- vertical interval sign
- vertical sync sign
- vestigial sideband sign
- video sign
- visual sign
- voice sign
- voiced sign
- weighted sign
- white sign
- write sign
- Y-signThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > sign
7 signal
1) сигнал || передавать сигналы; сигнализировать; давать сигнал || сигнальный2) знак || подавать знак(и)3) pl.; микр. межсоединения•- A sign- acknowledgement sign
- active line duration sign
- actuating sign
- alarm indication signs
- alarm sign
- alias sign
- all-sky sign
- alternation mark inversion sign
- altitude sign
- AMI sign
- amplitude-modulated sign
- analog sign
- analog/mixed sign
- anisochronous digital sign
- antipodal sign
- ATF sign
- audio sign
- aural sign
- autoalarm sign
- automatic track finding sign
- band-limited sign
- bandpass sign
- baseband sign
- beam sign
- bidirectional sign
- binary sign
- bioelectric sign
- bipolar sign
- black peak sign
- black sign
- blanked picture sign
- blanking sign
- blocking sign
- blue sign
- broadband sign
- B-sign
- burst sign
- busy back sign
- busy sign
- busy-flash sign
- B-Y sign
- call progress sign
- call sign
- call-confirmation sign
- call-control sign
- called-number signs
- camera sign
- carrier chrominance sign
- carrier color sign
- carrier detect sign
- carry clear sign
- carry complete sign
- carry initiating sign
- carry sign
- case-shift sign
- CD sign
- challenging sign
- channel identification sign
- chirp sign
- chroma sign
- chrominance sign
- circuit available sign
- clear back sign
- clear forward sign
- clear sign
- clearing sign
- clipped sign
- clock sign
- coded sign
- coherent sign
- color identification sign
- color sign
- color video sign
- color-bar sign
- color-burst sign
- color-difference sign
- color-picture sign
- color-sync sign
- color-television sign
- command destruct sign
- common-mode sign
- comparison sign
- compelled sign
- compensation sign
- complex analytical sign
- component color sign
- component sign
- component video sign
- composite color sign
- composite picture sign
- composite sign
- composite video sign
- composite-one-line sign
- compressed sign
- confusion sign
- contaminating sign
- control sign
- convergence sign
- convolved signs
- course-fine encoded video sign
- dark-spot sign
- data sign
- DC sign
- decoded sign
- dehopped sign
- desired sign
- despread sign
- detectable sign
- deterministic sign
- difference sign
- differential-mode sign
- digital sign of level 0
- digital sign of level 1
- digital sign of level 1C
- digital sign of level 2
- digital sign of level 3
- digital sign of level 4
- digital sign
- direct-sequence sign
- direct-sequence spread-spectrum sign
- discernible sign
- disconnect sign
- disk changed sign
- distinguishable sign
- distress sign
- Doppler-invariant sign
- Doppler-shifted sign
- double-sideband sign
- downstream sign
- driving sign
- duobinary sign
- echo sign
- electric sign
- element difference sign
- emergency sign
- enabling sign
- enciphered sign
- end-of-block sign
- end-of-copy sign
- end-of-data sign
- end-of-impulsing sign
- end-of-message sign
- end-of-pulsing sign
- end-of-selection sign
- engaged sign
- erasure sign
- error sign
- excitatory sign
- facsimile framing sign
- facsimile phasing sign
- facsimile sign
- false sign
- fault sign
- feedback control sign
- field sawtooth sign
- figures-shift sign
- fluctuating sign
- flyback sign
- forward recall sign
- frame difference sign
- frame sync sign
- frame-alignment sign
- framing sign
- free-line sign
- frequency-hopped sign
- frequency-modulated sign
- frequency-shift sign
- FS sign
- full bandwidth sign
- gating sign
- Gaussian sign
- ghost sign
- global sign
- green sign
- G-sign
- guidance sign
- G-Y sign
- hang-up sign
- heterochronous digital signs
- high-frequency sign
- high-level sign
- homing sign
- homochronous digital signs
- horizontal sync sign
- IBG sign
- identification sign
- idle indication sign
- IF sign
- IFF target sign
- impulse sign
- incoming sign
- inhibiting sign
- inhibitory sign
- injected sign
- in-phase sign
- input sign
- insertion test sign
- intelligence sign
- inter-block gap sign
- interfering sign
- interfield test sign
- intermediate frequency sign
- international code sign
- interrogation sign
- interrupt sign
- inversion sign
- I-sign
- isochronous digital sign
- jamming sign
- L sign
- large sign
- laser sign
- LB sign
- left sign
- left-backward sign
- left-forward sign
- LF sign
- limited sign
- line identification sign
- line sawtooth sign
- line sync sign
- linear FM sign
- locking sign
- logic sign
- loop actuating sign
- loop difference sign
- loop error sign
- loop feedback sign
- loop input sign
- loop output sign
- loop return sign
- low-frequency sign
- low-level radio-frequency sign
- low-level sign
- luminance sign
- mark sign
- marking sign
- masking sign
- mesochronous digital signs
- message sign
- message-bearing sign
- microwave sign
- MIDI sign
- minimum detectable sign
- minimum discernible sign
- mixed sign
- modulating sign
- monochrome sign
- monophonic sign
- M-sign
- multimode sign
- multiplexed sign
- myoelectric sign
- N sign
- narrow-band sign
- naught sign
- negative-going sign
- neuroelectric sign
- noise sign
- noise-free sign
- noise-like sign
- noisy sign
- nominal detectable sign
- noncompelled sign
- noncomposite sign
- number received sign
- offering sign
- off-hook sign
- omnibearing sign
- on-course sign
- on-hook sign
- optical sign
- outcoming sign
- output sign
- P sign
- packetized sign
- partial-response sign
- PCM sign
- permanent sign
- phantom sign
- phase-modulated sign
- phase-shift keyed sign
- phase-shift sign
- phasing sign
- photoelectric sign
- pickup sign
- picture sign
- picture-phone sign
- picture-shading sign
- pilot sign
- playback sign
- plesiochronous digital signs
- polar sign
- positive-going sign
- print contrast sign
- probing sign
- program sign
- protected sign
- pseudonoise sign
- pseudorandom sign
- pseudo-ternary sign
- pulsar sign
- pulse-code modulation sign
- pulsed sign
- Q-sign
- quadrature-phase subcarrier sign
- quantized sign
- R sign
- radio sign
- radio star sign
- radio-frequency sign
- radiotelephone distress sign
- random sign
- RB sign
- read sign
- reading sign
- ready-to-receive sign
- rectified sign
- red sign
- redundant sign
- reference sign
- reorder sign
- request sign
- rering sign
- restoring sign
- retransmitted sign
- returned sign
- RF sign
- RGB signs
- right sign
- right-backward sign
- right-forward sign
- ringing sign
- robust sign
- round-the-world sign
- R-Y sign
- sampled sign
- saturated sign
- saturating sign
- saw-tooth sign
- scrambling sign
- sense sign
- shading compensation sign
- singing sign
- single-mode sign
- single-sideband sign
- small sign
- sound sign
- sounding sign
- space sign
- spacing sign
- speech sign
- spread-spectrum sign
- spurious sign
- square sign
- square-wave sign
- SSB sign
- S-sign
- staircase video sign
- standard composite picture sign
- standard television sign
- standard-frequency sign
- start sign
- start-record sign
- start-stop sign
- status sign
- steady-state sign
- stereo sign
- stereophonic multiplex sign
- stereophonic sign
- stop sign
- stop-record sign
- stuffed sign
- subscriber identification sign
- sum sign
- supersync sign
- supervisory sign
- swept sign
- sync sign
- synchronizing sign
- synchronous transport sign
- synthetic speech sign
- target sign
- television relay sign
- television sign
- television standard sign
- test line sign
- test sign
- test-pattern sign
- threshold sign
- time sign
- time-limited sign
- timing sign
- tracking sign
- trigger sign
- triggering sign
- tristimulus signs
- unstuffed sign
- unvoiced sign
- upstream sign
- vertical insertion test sign
- vertical interval sign
- vertical sync sign
- vestigial sideband sign
- video sign
- visual sign
- voice sign
- voiced sign
- weighted sign
- white sign
- write sign
- Y-signThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > signal
См. также в других словарях:
Olivia MFSK — Spectrogram (waterfall display) of an Olivia 16/500 signal centered on 7073.25KHz Olivia MFSK is an amateur radioteletype protocol designed to work in difficult (low signal to noise ratio plus multipath propagation) conditions on shortwave bands … Wikipedia
SIGSALY — exhibit at the National Cryptologic Museum In cryptography, SIGSALY (also known as the X System, Project X, Ciphony I, and the Green Hornet) was a secure speech system used in World War II for the highest level Allied communications. It pioneered … Wikipedia
Digital video testing — in broadcast video, for example, is the process of validating and verifying that the video content and other data is being correctly processed, stored and transported. Despite the fact that the data is digital, most digital tv (DTV) system… … Wikipedia
Satellite modem — A satellite modem or sat modem is a modem used to establish data transfers using a communications satellite as a relay.There is a wide range of satellite modems from cheap devices for home internet access to expensive multifunctional equipment… … Wikipedia
Hybrid fibre-coaxial — (HFC) is a telecommunications industry term for a broadband network which combines optical fiber and coaxial cable. It has been commonly employed globally by cable TV operators since the early 1990s. See diagram below for a typical architecture… … Wikipedia
Vocoder — A vocoder ( /ˈvoʊk … Wikipedia
List of computing and IT abbreviations — This is a list of computing and IT acronyms and abbreviations. Contents: 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y … Wikipedia
Fast Ethernet — In computer networking, Fast Ethernet is a collective term for a number of Ethernet standards that carry traffic at the nominal rate of 100 Mbit/s, against the original Ethernet speed of 10 Mbit/s. Of the 100 megabit Ethernet standards 100baseTX… … Wikipedia
Gigabit Ethernet — (GbE or 1 GigE) is a term describing various technologies for transmitting Ethernet frames at a rate of a gigabit per second, as defined by the IEEE 802.3 2005 standard. Half duplex gigabit links connected through hubs are allowed by the… … Wikipedia
Walkie-talkie — A walkie talkie (more formally known as a handheld transceiver) is a hand held, portable, two way radio transceiver. Originally developed for the Canadian government during the Second World War by Canadian Donald L. Hings, similar designs were… … Wikipedia
NICAM — This article is about a compression form for digital audio. For the media content rating institute, see Netherlands Institute for the Classification of Audiovisual Media. NICAM stands for Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex. It is an… … Wikipedia